I could read that an ignorant put that berbers were from southern arabia. That's untrue and stupid.
Berber people are from north-africa and they don't come from here or there. Berber people are in north-africa since north-africa exist, such the 'guanches' as an exemple. The fact is that DNA tests, show that north-africans (excepted Libya) have nothing to do with arabic people. The HG21 haplotype is the evidence.
There is so much ignorance about berber people but still it is possible to make some research on the net. Berber people are muslims hence a lot changed their language and faith, also their names.Only islamists or 'Hilalians' said that berber are from middle-est , in order to dominate the area. This is politics and it has nothing to do with History and genetics. If some Irish are 'Black-Irish' is probably due to the 'Ibers', people of Spain that were also in France, long time ago.