I can appreciate your background in anthropology and history. I too have an extensive background...over 25 years of involvement in such studies, including teaching. I would suggest that you simply look at the climate of Egypt and Libya (you know the most northern part of Egypt is only 32d North Latitude, temperate ranging from 73d in winter to 106d in summer). Any people living in these conditions for any extended period of time, will not be white! In fact, find any white nation south of 32d N latitude?
Also, the Tasian and Badarian cultures who settled along the Nile valley previous to classic Egyptian culture here's a good source of information (http://www.homestead.com/wysinger/badarians.html). As you can see, both Tasian and Badarian are from the south, with Sudanese traits.
Again, there were NO whites in Africa prior to 2,000 B.C. Libyians were not white, but brown skinned, having become lighter from their northerly location...as opposed to becoming darker from it. Evidence of what is underneath the Sahara in Libya is just now starting...I'm sure you'll be surprised to see what comes from it.