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Terms of Service | Translator | Nubian School | Channel Africa | Recommended Books | old are you? I get the feeling I'm speaking with a teenager. Is it really necessary to toss out the insults? Not a very bright thing to do if you're looking to dialogue.
This is only a recent development. Prior to the Roman conquest of Egypt, the world prized the black woman...specifically, the Ethiopian woman. And, not all cultures prize the lighter amongst them. You said yourself how Africans treated the "lighter" folks.
Also, you keep claiming whites were so great throughout history. According to history, whites were considered "dullards", puny intellects, by the Egyptians and most cultures where they were known. Even in the 1500's when Europeans finally went to West Africa. The blacks there thought whites weren't that sharp...even ridiculed them for there lack of understanding.
Whites, apparently, are so violently agressive with minority people because they can't compete under normal circumstances. It's no real accomplishment to claim "top of the world" when you will and have killed off anyone who presents a greater capability. That's how whites gain their prowess, by killing off the competition. If you can't beat them, KILL THEM! Barbaric!
Isn't that really what has happened? Tiger Woods receives more death threats each time he wins. Colin Powell, the presidential material, refuses to run for fear (through his wife) of being assasinated! So much of your "acceptance" theory.
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