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Re: the garamantes the blackcivlization in the sah

Hey, thanks for noting. My replies are indicated by P:.

1. Herodotus, Greek Historian, mentioned the Garamantes only once (IV:183) and described them as pursuing shrieking black Pygmies in their chariots drawn by horses.

P: So, I'm not sure what this is suppose to mean or prove. Or, are you simply saying something derogatory about Pygmies?

2. The Garamantes lived in the south of Libya in the Fezzan and are considered by all respected scholars as the direct ancestors of the eastern Tuaregs of the Sahara and Niger.

P: Yes, we've been through this. "Respected scholars", is a subjective assessment. I'm sure there are more of them than those you've selected as being of this group. Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop (6 doctorates) is commonly not considered as a respected scholars, simply because he's black (for the most part). I respect him though. He says, and he did his research, any time you're talking living below the 32d Latitude you are talking about blacks as natives.

3. These people call themselves in Tamacheq, the Tuareg form of Tamazight, the Berber language, "izzagaren" that is "red skins." In regards to the Garamantes, the Berber scholars have said that they were of darker skins, distinct from Sudanese Negroes, and white Mediterraneans both.
P: Yes, of "darker skins", which means black people. The use of "red" as skin color in Egypt is common, but refers to brown skin (no black is actually truly black...they are more red, brownish-red. Did you know that the Berber people are said to have founded Ghana? And Ghanaians are Berber...they are kinky headed blacks...but many lighter skinned blacks are among them. Berber, etymologically speaking, is an African term, "Ber-Ber" the double use of a term is Africanic characteristic of language.

4. The Italian anthropolologist Sergi established the following proportions of prehistoric skulls in the Fezzan: 46.6.% of white mediterranean, 26.6% of "Eurafrican negroized" and 26.6% of Negroes.

P: There is no way to make this statement. You cannot differentiate race by skull proportions...this is well known. Africans run the spectrum of head shapes.

5. Marie-Claude Chamla established that the protohistoric remains of the Sahara were only about 25% Negro. The mixed type which corresponds to the "Negroized Eurafrican" type of Sergi was about 20% and "Eurafricans" who were not negroized represent 41 % of the results.
P: Please, please, please. In 2,000 B.C. and before this, there were no "Europeans" in Africa to any great extent. Where do you say they came from in Europe? There is NO civilization to speak of in Europe before 2,000 B.C. I hear you quoting Herodotus, did you read what he said about the state of European societies at his time?

6. The Mechtoid type (which those European scholars refer to as Euroafricans) is a specific type of human being found in North Africa from the Mediterranean coast, along the Atlantic ocean all the way to Mali and in the Sahara. It is called "
Mechtoid" from remains found at Mekta El Arbi near Constantine. This mechtoid type is neither Negroid nor Caucasoid (neither black nor white) It is indigenous to North Africa with remains older than 10,000 years. Numerous specimens have been identified, and mroe recently genetic studies have confirmed what archeology determined.

P: Again, "neither black nor white"...yeah right. The heat of below 32d latitude is too great for true caucasians...they simply can't live there, especially in ancient times.

Lastly, here you are with a lot of bones and dead relics. What is alive today is the religion of the ancient Egyptians. You cannot separate the study of African history from the study of religion. The key to understanding who is who in antiquity is best understood in the context setforth by Dr. Diop...which is "matrilenial" vs "patrilenial" societies. And, more accurately, religious belief systems. Show me where the ancient Egyptian religion was observed by whites in Europe and I'll show you the presence of Africans in Europe.

Prior to 2,000 B.C. you have NO evidence, except via this fake scholarship related to "head shapes". Whites never did like, nor understand, the doctrine of Isis and Osirus...that's a KEY element of all this. You can't claim to be Egyptian or influencers of Egyptian civilization WITHOUT speaking to the matter of their religion, which is the doctrine of Isis and Osirus. Would you agree?

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Re: the garamantes the blackcivlization in the sah
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Re: the garamantes the blackcivlization in the sah

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