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I'm a true African American, my family was in this country at Emancipation...don't know how long before that.
We do need to stick together. America has enough enemies without us continuing the silly racist struggle we've pursued in past isolation. Now that more and more foreigners are here and more globalization has occured, all of a sudden African Americans are no longer America's worst enemy...not that we've ever been that threatening.
First, let me say that there's nothing wrong with anyone, including whites, of being proud of themselves, even their race/skin color. Heck, why would you hate what you see in the mirror every day?
I don't think your are correct that I'm being "race proud" about history. History is based upon facts and evidence, it is what it is.
African's honestly have a rich and glorious history, even though the past 2,000 years has seen the emergence of other peoples on the main stage of the world. To deny us our positive view of self through our accomplishments, is not right...even as you don't want to be belittled about your past.
Whites have a GREAT deal to be proud of, since the advent of their rise. I love America and the technology and the creature comforts (my Lincoln LS is delightful to drive!). But, I'm not happy with the "history" and the apparent need to eradicate African contributions...what does that say about the future of our relations? Are we really "nobodies" in your sight? And, you want us to simply accept that.
No, it's not race pride that compels me to an Africanic origin of civilization. It's apparently what history has revealed through science. I thank whites from helping us and the world to know more about all of our pasts.
If we were all white at one point, and some remaining in Africa turned black and their hair kinked...we would all still be brothers. I can accept that...though science doesn't.
But, does that, will that lead to a better relationship, where we can both be proud? Even in your scenario, I'd be a kinky headed African, with the same past.
It's clear that our American leadership has more at stake in maintaining the white supremacy concept of civilization, it adds meaning to their approach to international affairs. To them, if the story is changed, it could make them in error for certain things they've done.
If we are Christian, however, that's a pretty standard revelation. When we accept Christ, we often have a moment of "conviction" regarding our personal past...should we suppress Christ because he convicts us? Is our image of ourselves more important than the Grace of God.
NO. If I must become low to raised up by God, may I become low. God's blessing is able to keep me.
Anyway, Thomas, history is nothing to argue about, it is what it is. Truth is either faced or neglected. I try to face it. My people were slaves. Do you think I like that fact? No, but I face it and deal with it.
Heck, we're talking about man's early beginnings, thousands even millions of years ago. How long are you going to let such long forgotten matters remain so personal and sensitive for you?
Whites are fast learners. They picked up on those things that would be of advantage to them, help them become a better people and they should be proud of that ability. The world needs you.
But, it's not right to take the bath water, just wash the baby and let those who filled the water deal with refreshing it. And, that's a good parallel. History shows, as I was reading, that Africans have introduced whites to new things from the very beginning of time. The Aurignacian/African and the Zheleta/Caucasoid (sp?) of Europe exchanged each of their camps were found things from the other. You can't go around saying it has been all oneway, whites to blacks...that simply isn't true.
Even in America, I believe it's greatness is in great part due to the African American presence. I could name events starting from day one in America (i.e. Columbus' navigator was negro/African Moor) of African contributions.
I implore you to be of better service to our country and help to elliminate race discrimination, especially between blacks and whites in America. Pres Bush is trying...I think so.
What say ye?
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