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I've read it, and I'm printing it to take home through the holidays to reread. But, I can say that, at first blush, it's a lot of rhetoric. I like your first law of Race Intelligence, but I think that could easily be made an "ethnic", "family", "nation", "political", concept.
Your insights of African American reality is far left, and doesn't map accurately to what I believe is the case. "Ebonics" first, is an African language. It emerges from black street culture, and I think leading blacks have already rejected what Oakland/Calif was trying to do with it.
I think, also, that you fail to acknowledge some fundamental qualities of human nature, when you dismiss one's nationality. I AM African American, because of deeply rooted traits and characteristics that came up through my family's past experience, in both African and in America. Certain things that I prefer, are natural inclinations from one or the other of those influences. I'm not craving a "bowl of rice" for instance.
Here's something I want you to think about, which I believe would solve a lot of your concerns about black employment, and avenues for success.
I want to see a new movement or institution emerge called "African-Americans for African and American Affairs". I want America to support politically, militarily and financial, African-Americans as they travel to Africa to assist them with developing their infrastructure, resource management, education and government.
1)Only African-Americans can do it. Whites cannot do it, they cannot live for extended periods of time necessary to do this. We have the idle people, who if given purpose would go to school and become scientists, engineers, educators, businessmen, etc, gain the skills to take to Africa and bring value.
2)New source of American investment. This would open the door to a whole new realm of investment for Americans (white)...this would be their only involvement.
3)African-American leadership must be respected and allowed the final decision. Whites can either decide not to support it or to support it, but not effectively or forcefully change the plan. AA's lack any true power, that is somehow oversighted by whites. Unless whites learn to delegate more power/freedom to AA's, we will never be at peace or in unity.
4)You'd be getting rid of a lot of "inner city" urban we got those idle folks busy working in Africa.
5)Unhindered travel to and from Africa, "duel-citizen" must be granted to all who desire it.
Also, I wanted to comment to you about "left brain" vs "right brain" thinking. I'll do that later.
I'm all for a discussion regarding "bridging the gap between all humans of different racial types". I think the first step in that, however, is learning to celebrate each others past. You're not going to bridge any gap that forces people to forget who they are and were they came from. So, ultimately, I don't agree with your thoughts on changing and elliminating the names people choose for themselves. We need to foster a "higher ideal", a place greater and more important than any group or individual. A place where one's identity is secondary to the cause. In Christianity it says, "In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free..." We are all ONE in Christ. This is the type of "higher ideal" concept I'm speaking of. If you want to say American is that higher ideal, then we've got a problem. America is great, but it's simply a nationality and doesn't not fit the bill. The next thing you'll be enforcing is English...and that's simply not going to fly.
Ancient Egypt used a religious-oriented higher ideal as an umbrella for unity. I believe God makes a very good unifier. If we can't agree on God, we will have to use a moral idea, a "Social Contract" as discussion by Plato. If we have a single set of rules, not "double standards", that mandated morally and fairness and equality, that gives the individual space to define themselves, yet does not separate them from the Ideal we all embrace, that's the key.
Currently, when you say White, Black, Brown, Chinese, European, African, we think of indepentant and separate people. This is the problem. Here we are one nation, America, been through a lot together. Yet, idealogically, we convince ourselves, inspite of experience to the contrary, that we are so different and separate. How quickly we forget all the times we strove together to get where we are today.
Enough for now...enjoy the turkey.
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