It's hard to accept that we are still having this discussion. I believe that things will only change when the perpetrators of the lie, that is Aryan/Asian superiority, admit to their lie and thus human evolution can continue. I quote from Gerald Massey's, Book of Beginnings. "In Egyptian a double form may be traced for the title of King, German Konig, Sanskrit GANAKA, Chinese WANG or ANG, Greek ANAX. ANK, ANUK, or NAK in Egyptian mean the I, the King, the living one." There are several more of these examples that show that thought, language and "civilization" came out of Africa "with Egypt as it's mouth piece" He further adds that "The monuments of 5,000 years do not relate a tithe of Egypt's history, "Perfect art, language and mythology did not alight ready-made in the valley of the Nile; and if the ascent be not traceable here, neither is it elsewhere. There is not a vestige of proof that these were an importation from other lands." Historians like Massey, Breasted, Volney etc, did not make this claim as a boast or to support some Afrocentric view as their modern counterparts now imply each time someone like Diop make the same claim. These were historians and in Massey's case evolutionists without agendas, whose only interest was in reporting the truth. Recently, scientists and anthropologists have been un-earthing factual support for what these men believed based on their research within the limits the available technology. We now can prove that African or Negroid people were first, on every stretch of the historic earth. Their resiliency, their ingenuity and their discoveries paved the way for our current civilization. Anyone who has a problem with this is an ignoramus at best and at worst a racist.