yeah people like massey definatly had flaws in their scholarship,but people often forget that mainstream egyptologist like sir flinders petrie,james hernery breasted,eawallis budge,and willam gardnier all admited that the ancient kemetians were african people. breasted first put that the kemetians were black people and later changed it to probally get more funding. gardnier said that upper egypt where most of the egyptain civlization was of african stock.
eawallis budge admitted the kemetians were black africans and had much in common with otuehr parts of africa. frank yurco a modern day egyptologist still hangs on to pusedo terms like med race,but he admits the darkest egyptain in ancient times would be considered black i america.
one thing all modern day egyptologist agree on is that egyp[t was a product of africa. diop in my oipinion even though he did not have the creditnals was still up to par with things.
archeologically the african origin of the kemetians can be proven with archeological sites of nabta,qustal sudan. the early pre dynastic culture was mostly negriod and bioanthroip[ologist shomaka keita supports this.