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That is the most ridiculous not to mention ignorant posts I have ever come across. Where do you get your information, Sesame Street's book of world facts???
Negritos are an Australoid people (yes I know it's hard for you black militants and racists to distinguish since you are serving a pretty messed up political agenda here)related to Melanesians and Papuans who were settled in southern China thousands of years ago.
Second, try picking up a few maps of empires and nations from time to time, to understand how funny your statement is about a Chinese Empire stretching all the way to Africa (thanks for the laughs though).
Third, Malgache people don't speak Chinese (although I know you nation of islam black racists view all Orientals as the same people who eat Chinese food, are good at computer games and know Kung Fu). The Malgache (people on the eastern part of the island are Indonesians and not CHinese. They speak a language realted to the native languages of the Philipines, Java etc...
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