Is the government of Trinidad and Tobago,an intellectually bankrupt administration?Are we the citizen to believe the goverment cannot effectively address the crime situation in TNT.The headline on the guardian newspaper dated Friday 8th August 2008 reads,2008 murder rate`jumps by 69%,190 murders are gang-related.The Minister of National Security,once again provides the nation with lip service,he states that there are too many guns on the streets.So Mr.Joseph, we identify the problem,what are the solutions?The government is not effectively dealing with rising crime rate in Trinidad and Tobago.The Prime Minister talks about 2020 vision,Mr.Manning will our lives be spared,will we live to see 2020.The citizenry are no longer safe in the comfort and privacy of their homes,we cannot walk the streets,lees there be a drive by shooting,children can no longer enjoy the weekend game of football or cricket,without wondering if they or their friends may be shot today.Senior citezen,in their winterish years can no longer go to the markets without wondering if they would be used as a human sheild today.We need to wake up and be real,crime is not going anywhere,we need to analyse the root cause and place mitigating measures to address the rampant crime disease,that is plaguing our beloved TnT.If this government is serious about fighting crime,then they need to take the bull by the horn,and stop eluding from the root cause of crime,in TnT.