The real problem is in the present isn't it? I mean if attitudes were of a tolerant and egalitarian nature in the present, we certainly wouldn't look towards the distant past in order to find some injustice that leaves us burning with hate and desire to avenge our people and race from past oppression. I will give a simple example. Macedonians and mongols have conquered my nation of origin yet I have no ze to grind with those people because at present, those people are neither occupying my nation, nor enforcing their culture, religion and life upon me or my people. Arabs on the other hand, that's a different story for Iranians are still living under the yoke of Arab colonial oppression. I have no more reason to beat up an Italian when I pass him down the street, because Persia and Rome spent 700 years fighting each other over a few miles of arrid land in Syria and Mesopotamia. That is over. Those of us looking towards the past do so because we fell that a certain injustice has remained unresolved. If the society we live in has resolved those ancient conflicts by granting all its people equal status or at least equal protection under the law, then that beef should by all means be over. All people are subjugated or conquered at one time or another. Question is when the fighting is over, are all people equal subjects of that unified nation?