“Death By Stoning.”
The declaration of “Death by Stoning” for the Nigerian woman, who was found guilty and convicted of having a child out of Wedlock in this day and time, is another undeviating fatal blunder on the part of mortals today.
This brought up serious questions (for me) about the ‘EVOLOTION OF THE HUMAN MIND’
After passing through the complexities of Christianity, Islam and certain aspects of Hinduism it was difficult to empty myself of the conflicting doctrines that were passed down from generation to generation.
Look at the history of domestic violence, murder and the mutilation of female genitals. All in the name of what Males perceive to be helping females to keep their virtue. Or is it intimidation to be obedient to the Law of GOD.
There is this unrelenting passion within to know more about who was “The God of Israel” The God that Sanctioned domestic violence against females. The God, that sanctioned the superiority of the Jews. (Racism)……. The GOD that ‘they say’ sent His son to die on a cross to save the world. Who was this God?
Where is this Consciousness (Entity) that was speaking to Moses, Abraham, and Muhammad? I mean absolutely no disrespect. (I really need to know the Facts).
Sensible dialogue relieves the repression of unexpressed Truths.