One thing that those who still believe in the 200-year old theory of caucasoid[semitic] ancient egyptians[as do most "egyptologists"] should be reminded of is that this theory was formulated WITHOUT modern scientific tools and in particular,a time when Eurocentric racial pseudoscience was rapant. Egyptology formally began with the finding/deciphering of the Rosetta stone in France back in 1821, most archeological work in egypt has been done predominately by europeans who were schooled in racial bias stemming from 19th-20th century scientific racism[such as craniometry for example].Europeans had an agenda to prove that Blacks were incapable of any kind of andvanced civilization and refused to even consider that ancient egyptians may not have been caucasoid. Today, although scientific racism is out of fashion, the spirit if Eurocentrism still prevails in egyptology and fuels their biased viewpoint against blacks having a prominate role in ancient egyptian society.