Does Rev. Al Sharpton understand the depth to which he has hurled himself and the cause of Afro Americans?
Should the Rev really assume that America's appreciation for its Afro-American peoples will simply evaporate and reparations will fall like manna from Capital Hill, he must be really naive or just too dumb to have measured the depth of hatred and the cost in overcoming such murderous events.
Rev. Al-Sharpton must be really desperate and/or have been paid a well.
I guess he sincerely believed that he is visiting the promise land and not the land robbed from a people with sheer violence and innocent blood...
May the prayers and the cry of the oppress haunt and plague this man and his entourage up on till the day he apologies to the true inhabitant "the Palestinians" of Palestine and Jerusalem.
Every where Muslims and Christians ex-Communist and Hindus all are so eager to strike a deal with known violators of humanity...
Rev. what is it they have promised; no more Blacks will die by police bullets, less Black youths will be sent to correctional institutions, up grade of all black neighborhoods into white or Jewish suburbs, less executions in Texas, holocaust status for our 'African’ ancestors, a chance to black mail every White own company and conglomerate for the next fifty years.
I am at a lost, who is Rev. Al-Sharpton doing this for what is his objective... The Zionist like all others have been at the head of the slave trade and they have never apologize as a matter of fact they were the ones who own the slave ships they were the ones who set up the insurance companies that paid ship owners whenever a cargo of human beings were thrown overboard it was the introduction by the Jews of the insurance scheme that ship owners joined the hustle en-mass to benefit from lost human cargo.
Sharpton actions have now convinced me that he is nothing but a rabble-rouser unworthy of the Black mans trust.
That’s the lest I have offered in prayer to Rev. Al Sharpton!
If I have to stand as the lone African/Carib in opposition to this betrayal I state so now...Rev Al-Sharpton's visit is in no way a representative of my aspirations hope well-being and intentions. Count me out!