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Dick Cheney has taken a hard line against the General Accounting Office, refusing its efforts to get information on meetings held by his energy task force. MORE
On November 29, 2001, the Wall Street Journal ran an article, "Running on Empty-Enron Faces Collapse as Credit, Stock Dive and Dynergy Bolts" in which they reported,"Previously, even though Enron's practices had worried some regulators, the Bush administration had kept its distance. Over the last decade, the company and its chairman, Mr. Lay, may have been Mr. Bush's biggest financial backers, donating nearly $2 million to his campaigns. Before the company's recent problems came to light, Mr. Lay enjoyed unusually good access to top administration officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, who earlier this year drafted a new national energy plan that seemed to lean heavily on Mr. Lay's suggestions."
Based on this report, from a newspaper highly supportive of the Bush-Cheney administration, it appears that the National Energy Plan was at least in part an effort to help one of Bush's largest contributors.
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