Most people labeled Negro's are not even really african decendants in american, most people labeled that in this country were really the colored people that white people re-named from their true state. Indian "Sitting Bull" once said that his ancestors originally came from a place called Mesada, Israel. He is not the only one of a Indian group to state that. So I would suggest that a one or even a few of the 12 tribes if Israel were in fact colored people of america or colored native americans, including some that were brought to the islands around north and south america due to the writings concerning burnt brass as a skin color stated in the bible. Most colored people in america can't trace back any whites or black african roots in their family and didn't trust or want to mix with whites, so how did they become a shade with a light to medium reddish brassy brown tint? That color did not come from mixing with whites it is an actual God given color. White history book's lie. Actually white people have twisted the truth since they were born on this Earth and even painted Jesus white when He also has color to His skin.