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"Later on the Aryans who created the caste system, added to their system non-Aryans"
Fact: The Caste system was not created in India.
This societal structure is an African creation that was extant in Egypt and all other ancient societies under Egypt's influence. It still exists in some African societies today. It was their version of genetic manipulation.
Fact: The original inhabitants of India were Africans.
“It is not necessary to show that the first colonizers of India were Negroes, but it is certain that the black Buddha of India was imaged in the Negroid type… “The people who first fashioned and worshipped the divine image in the Negroid mould of humanity must according to all knowledge of human nature, have been Negroid themselves. For the blackness is not merely mystical, the features and the hair of Buddha belong to the black race.” Gerald Massey
There are valid arguments for both sides, but lets use some common sense and intuition. After all these are the tools we were born with and which are developed for better or worse based on our level of education and understanding. If these systems of religion and societal organization were originally the product of the “Black” members of the human race, which under their control was managed to near perfection, as evidenced by the claims of Greek historians, how did these systems become corrupt?
Logic should lead us to the conclusion of an outside influence. Since that influence involves color discrimination then that outside influence had to be non-black. This leaves one question in the debate: Where did this non-black influence originate? Were they Aryans or were they Semitic tribes escaping from Mesopotamia after the fall of Babylon?
Fact: Brahma and Sarasvati are none other than Abraham and Sarah. The “Father (Ab[u]) Brahm” or progenitor of Islam and Judaism, whose gods, ‘El-ohim’ were the original Egyptian ‘Ali’ the members of Atum (Adam) the son of Ptah (Putha, Buddha): Similarly Devaki and Krishna, equals the Virgin Mary and Jesus, later versions of the Egyptian Isis and Horus.
Thus we are back at Africa, “with Egypt as its mouthpiece”, for the origin of Indian cultural expression. This is a perfect example of what Massey means when he likened Egypt to a hive that swarmed periodically. Massey speaking on the lies of Christianity; “Eighteen centuries are a long while in the life time of a lie, but a brief span in the eternity of truth.” Might India's later influence be the corruption of Egyptian myth as practised by the people of Mesopotamia? After centuries of miscegenation these Africans/Egyptians, colonizers of ancient Sumer, would have been at least Semitic, but certainly closer to white than black. Evidence of which can be found in the pages of the Bible and the Talmud.
It has taken almost a thousand years for Mother Africa to be recaptured as the birthplace of civilization and still some shell-shocked euro-centrists refuse to give her credit and continue to separate Egypt from Africa. It maybe another thousand years before the veil of deception is lifted and it is revealed that for thousand of years before nature produced a sentient non-black human, the homogeneous black children of Mother Africa, controlled a vast Empire, the oldest and most enduring of all civilizations.
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