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STFU. HOLY SHIT LOL Bout indians are not close to african, and the guy asking why am I fair-skinned.
Son, you're fairskinned because your mother slept with a white monkey.
I'm from that same region, my hairs nappier than any nigerian, jamaican, w.e west african freind I ever had.
Stop talking shit
Listen, first of all the problem with this "three" race system is that it puts all three on the same table to be compared to.
It's more like here's a black man (and woman) of course; and then cut off their genitals, remove their brains, basically, mummify them. Now you have caucasoids and mongloids.
As well as the fact that for example the hill tribes of ethiopia are lighter, as africans we are the original people. We go from white to purple and everything in between.
So to all the black people: from india, jamaica, trinidad, ghana, somalia w.e that may have a chance of having some mutant blood and you go about hampering and claiming it go ahead.
But you will die the same death as them. x Correction x by not being black they are already dead.
Listen, I'm from that Punjab region. Don't divide us with this north south, or east west shit. Lol tell a man he's not black to his face, aggravate a man to murder.
I'm not a brahmin either just put my name to aggravate people. I can see the caste shitstem coming about just from sexually deprived black men about 2000 years ago all on its own. We're not perfect remember that. At this point we fuck ourselves up enough to not need any outside influences. And truthfully, and honestly.
I'm for efficiency. Str8 up it wastes less time, money, resources, and energy to blow up and destroy this "outside" influence than to debate what it is. We know what it is the color that my text ain't.
Shit its cheap too, because we needa try fi kill our own. These things just get killed and cooked by the sun. Fuck a eve project, fuck a white "geneticist" and fuck you.
Truth is, with shit showing that we had cities 9, 10,000 years ago and the sphinx being older than they can even measure. Shit, there's evidence of genetic flowback from india back to the horn. So you know what you black you black.
If you black then you my back, if you yellow my gun say hello, if you white then shoot on sight, if you say you brown, get outa town, cuz it mean you ain't down. Ain't no mixture, say you half white? Yea, half mag to the right is the fixture.
This been a presentation by a black man that is also known as your pharaoh. Join me, take up your throne,and fulfill our destiny. My planet is being poisoned by this
And this
and this and this and this
W.e you wanna call it. Yea, it's a Punjabi thing but why the fuck would I be limiting myself to a reason shit-fucked destoryed, and divided by the british turks, w.e Yea probably the most wars out of any african region that's still standing w.e
I'd be a straight bitch if I didn't put my fist up and salute anyway.
Lol a country where going to prison is seen as a badge and politicians get a promotion for it. Str8 the biggest hood in the world is the country of India. Nowhere else is there a semblance of a central government where black people been for so long.
I feel like people get arrogant because if you wanted to divide the continent into two "blocks" you'd have the east and the mainland. And the east aka south asia has more people so they say wtf own identity. But truth is you ain't looking at today you looking and tomorrow and what came before that.
We still the place where famines used to wipe out entire kingdoms and we still standing. All my black folk are still standing.
This, my people look around you, this is all they could do.
Black Power
all the shit in the world, you see hope to fix it. This, I repeat is all they could do. It ain't nuclear winter, it ain't viruses in the air, it is starvation, it is many things. But even if one of us, I repeat one is still left we won.
As far as capitalism and "value" one DROP of black blood is inconceivably more valuable than anything on this earth combined, up to and including itself.
If you don't agree with that, than you will be shot and yours consumed, kept and used for my wounded veterans and soldiers.
My army marches, are you a part of it?
Well, the truth is; your soul, by choosing to be born in a black body already is. I am no leader, just another humble servant. Step up, and take my place; it is already yours.
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