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I believe Hannibal was mainly White, but not because I care what race he was, but because all the ancient depictions of him that I've seen were White. The Carthaginians were Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were originally called Sidonians. Sidon was their father. Sidon was a son of Canaan, who was a son of Ham, the progenitor of the Black race. Ancient inscriptions do state that the original Canaanites were a black-skinned people.
"Now in the famous six sided prism of King Sennacherib of Assyria, the king refers to the conquered Canaanites as "blackness of head people," GIM-RI SAL-MAT KAKKAD-DIJ-U. The black people have a quite remarkable series of high cultures to their credit, and are almost born metallurgists. So were these ancient Canaanites."
This bears a remarkable similarity to the ancient Sumerians" descriptions of themselves as being Black people as well. If the Sumerian Babylonians were from Nimrod, and Nimrod was a son of Cush, and the Cushites were Black, then doesn't logic suggest the Sumerians were likewise Black just like the rest of the Cushite nations? Well, the same thing applies to the Canaanites proper and Canaan's sons and their respective Canaanite nations, including the original Phoenicians, Hittites, Chinese, etc. I might as well go on. Ham had four sons - Cush Mizra, Phut, and Canaan. If Cush and Canaan were Black as well as their respective nations, then wouldn't common sense suggest their two brothers Phut and Mizra would have been also. Evidence suggests that the original Mizraites (Egyptians) were Black just like their brothers the Cushites and Canaanites. As for the Phutites, I have no information yet, but it's safe to say they were Black too. From this I gather the original Sidonians (Phoenicians) were indeed Black as they probably remained for some time. But, as they increasingly mixed with White Semites and White Japhethites with whom they settled, mingled, and mixed with, they began to lose their racial features over time until they became very diluted. By the time of Hannibal and the Punic wars some 2,700 years later (I forget how long exactly), just because someone was a Carthaginian by nationality, did not necessarily mean they were Phoenician proper by blood all the way back to Sidon, Canaan, and Ham. A similar comparison is modern America. America was founded by the British. The vast majority of the early Americans were of British stock (English, Scottish, and Welsh). As our country grew and expanded and other nationalities from around the world migrated to America, they learned English and became Americans as well. Today the people of British descent is not near the amount it was at America's conception. So, just because when someone today calls themselves an American, does not mean they descend all the way back to the British founders or even have British blood in them. Back to Hannibal. Did Hannibal have black blood in him? Probably. Did it show up? Probably not much if it did at all. Were any of Hannibal's contemporary Carthaginians Black? Most certainly. Were the majority of them Black? Probably not. I am a White man, but I try my best to be unbiased and present the facts or evidence regardless of Afrocentrics or Eurasiocentrics. Shem (Mediterranean Whites), Japheth (Nordic Whites), and Ham (Blacks). I hope this helped y'all.
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