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Re: This is the nature of the Threat

This is the nature of the threat”
Let freedom ring with a buckshot, but not just yet first
We need to truly understand the nature of the threat

The nature of the threat as you call it is living in the past, enchained by a legacy called slavery which has evolved into modern day racism. By chaining yourself to this concept, you are holding back your own personal growth and that of your peers.

Roughly 20,000 years ago the first humans evolved with
The phenotypical trait, genetic recessive blue eyes,
blonde hair and white skin

The first human, homo sapiens sapiens evolved 40,000 years ago. The phenotypical traits that you refer to are not the only recessive permutations associated with Europeans or “white” people. If you study the Aboriginie in Australia, you will note their frequency of blonde hair. Conversley, many Asians have skin that is fairer than Europeans, and many Europeans also have the combination of dark hair and eyes. What is white skin but an objective observation that differs from one individual to the next.

Albinism apparently was a sin to the original man, Africans,

Albinisim also affects animals, and not only mammals. Also, the Kuna of Panama have a high incidence of Albinism-the highest in the world.They are of course a native tribe. To evolve lighter traits is an essential mechanism in order for survival. The original man, if you wish to speak in biblical terms was not black or white-he was red-hence the name Adam which comes from the ancient Hebrew word, Edom, meaning red.

So the mutants traveled north of the equator

Those mutants also travelled to the east and west. If humans did not mutate then we would never have become human in the first place. With each mutation we are adapting to the world. You realise the equator encompasses North Africa too?

Called Europeans later, the first race haters
So here's the devils' alpha to the beta.

The first “race” haters? They were not the first to enslave people of a different race as even the Egyptians enslaved the Israelites. And you are the devil’s beta here, do you know why? You are continuing that hate. You wish to justify your hate against white people because of what your ancestors suffered. Hating any white person for what happened hundreds of years ago is never justifiable.

Quoting German philosopher Schopenhauer
"Every white man is a faded or bleached one"

Ill-quoted and wrongly interpretated. Every man is faded or bleached. This was in regards to their internal human spirit and energy when compared with art.

Migration created further mutation
Genetic drifts, evolution through recombination
Adaptation to the climate

That’s right. Just as Asians, Australoids and Mongoloids have experienced the same mutations that deviate from sub-saharan Africans. If you are suggesting Africans have never mutated then essentially you are saying they are closer to non-humans. That’s right-Apes.

As the Caucus Mountain man reverted to that of a primate
Savage Neanderthals until the late Paleolithic age
That's when the Black Grimaldi man came
With the symbol of the dragon fire and art

Grimaldi man has been diregarded from science now and it has been established that Neanderthals are unrelated to any moder human. Neanderthals it seems were not savage enough and were wiped out by Cro-Magnon, the predecessor of modern Europeans and Middle eastern populations. A proto-caucasoid, if you like.

Check cave paintings in France and Spain to the Venus of Willendorf

That’s right. Cro-magnon art. Glad to see you’re acknowledging Europeans’ artistic potential even this early.

Around 2000 B.C. southern Russians migrate in small units
Those who traveled west populated Europe
Those who went east settled in Iran, known as Aryans
1500 B.C. some crossed the Khyber pass into India and
Created Hinduism, the first caste system

Well, Europe was populated long before 2000 BC. Starting from 40,000 BC, there were various migrations from the Middle east into Europe. And the Aryan invasion theory of India has long been disgarded too. My, you really love your bedtime stories.

The origins of racism
A white dot on the forehead meant elite
A black dot-the feet
Untrustable, untouchables

The caste system of India is based on class, not race or skin colour. That is why some upper-castes are darker than the lower ones.

They wrote the holy Vedas in Sanskrit
That's the language that created Greek, German, Latin and English

That as yet has not been proven. Indo-European languages originated in Anatolia and dispersed from there, not India.

Now the Minoans also around 2000 B.C.
Start on the island of Crete in the Agean Sea
The Greek culture begins Western Civilization
But "Western Civilization" means "White Domination"

Western civilization means to compete, to strive for individualism. This has only been a concept since the industrial revolution.

Myceneans learned from Kemet, called Egypt in Greek
It had existed since at least 3000 B.C.
Creating geometry and astronomy

I’ve heard all this before. Pure Afrocentrism at its very best. You know the land, Scotland comes from the Greek word, “Skotos” which means dark or black? But then, Scotland was originally black too, right? What about England? You do know the megalithic culture(Stone Henge etc), which is older than the Egyptian pyramids, is archaeoastronomically designed? They could only be built on the basis of both.

This knowledge influenced Plato, Socrates and Hippocrates
Cause Imhotep the real real father of medicine
Was worshiped in Greece and Rome in the form of a Black African.

Why did Imhotep not influence the rest of Africa then? Simple question really.

The word Africa comes from the Greek Aphrike meaning "without cold"

Naturally. You do know Greece has a similar temperature to North Africa, right?

The word philosophy means "love of knowledge"... stole from first man

It means love of wisdom, not knowledge. You cannot steal wisdom, it is something which one develops naturally. Ironic how you use literal translations from a European language.

Greek power expands

Yes, indeed. However, they too stopped at theoreatrical works. It was other Europeans, mainly Italy, France, Germany and Britain who developed those theories into practical contributions.

The first Greek fraternities band
The word gymnasium is Greek for "naked"
This was the place where adolescent boys were educated and molested
This was accepted cause Greek culture was homosexual
for example, Sappho trained girls on the island of Lesbos
Hence, the word lesbian

Yeah, this is true. But then you think there is something wrong with homosexuality because you have been conditioned by WESTERN civlization to believe it is wrong. Before the introduction of religion, all peoples were indulging in homosexuality. They saw no wrong as no one told them it was. It is still practised in many primitive communities today.

The Hellenistic Era, Alexander the Great
Conquers all the way to India leaving four successor states
By the Fifth century B.C.
R.O.M.E. succeeds to be
The conqueror of Egypt and Greece
But had the threat of the Black Phoenicians in Sicily

Phoenicians weren’t black. They are todays people of Lebanon and out of Middle eastern populations, they are closer to Europeans, as are Syrians. Since you like to translate words, you should know that “Lebon”, from where Lebanon originates, is an ancient Aramaic word for white.

The Punic Wars began 264 B.C.
The Black general Hannibal and Carthaginian Peace
In 146 B.C. Carthage fell after a six-month siege

Hannibal wasn’t black. Sorry.

Rome sold every citizen into slavery, the first genocide in history

Nope, the Punic wars were dealt with by the Romans.

And more bisexuality in sight

And more lies in sight.

Cause Christ was not his name, that's Greek for "one who is anointed"
Yoshua Ben Yosef was his name, do Christians know this?

Son of Joseph. Of course we know that. Well Katholics do, both Orthodox and Roman.

So who do you praise, do you know his name?
Or do you do this in vain?

His name is the Son of God.

Accepting the religion they gave slaves to behave
Peep the description of historian Josephus
Short, dark, with an underdeveloped beard was Jesus

Josephus was not a contemporary of Jesus. Besides, short and dark does not = black!

He had the Romans fearing revolution
The solution was to take him to court and falsely accuse him
After being murdered by Pilate how can it be
These same white Romans established Christianity

You forgot that the decision lay with the Jews, not Pilate. And Jesus told Peter that on him he would build his Church. The Basilica in Rome is built on top of Simon Peter’s remains. Jesus had already chosen Rome as his temple on earth.

Manifest destiny, in 325 he convened the Nicean Creed
A separated God into three
Decided Jesus was born on December 25
And raising on the third day is a myth

A’ myth’ that is recorded before 325, and by contemporaries.

Plus to deceive us
Eventually Michelangelo was commissioned to paint white picture of Jesus
He used his aunt, uncle and nephew
Subconsciously that affects you
It makes you put white people closer to God

No, purity of soul and suffering makes one closer to God.

In the 8th century Muslims conquer Spain, Portugal and France
And control it for 700 years
They never mention it in His-story class

France was never conquered. You are a hypocrite to criticize all other invasions and conquests, yet you celebrate Muslims invading Europe? Guess what? Moors weren’t black either! Sorry!

Moors from Baghdad, Turkey
Threaten European Christians, meaning: the white way of life
Hence, the Crusades for Christ

The did not threaten Christians at all, for the Koran instructs Muslims to respect the other religions of Christianity and Judaism.

Santiago defeats the last Muslim stronghold--Grenada
King Ferdinand gave thanks to God for victory
And the Pope of Rome declared this day to forever be
A day of Thanksgiving for all European Christians

Strange. As a European and Catholic, I have never heard of that one!

the Pope of Rome,
who later in league with Queen Isabella
Sent Cardinal Ximenos to Spain to murder
any Blacks that resisted Christianity

Wasn’t about blacks, it was about religion. That is why Jews were expelled too.

These Moors, these Black men and women were from Baghdad, Turkey
And today you eat the turkey for your Thanksgiving day
as the European powers destroyed the "Turkies" who were the forefathers
of your mothers and fight the power

Turkish people are black? Since when? You know in Europe we don’t have a thanksgiving day, right?

Now around this time whites started calling us Negro
That's Spanish for "black object," meaning we're not people
But property and the Triangle Trade begins, they seize us
Queen Elizabeth sent the first slaves on a ship named J

It is funny you should say this as Moors were still in power when Portugal began to kidnap the first, black African slave.

Stealing land from the indigenous natives
Gave them alcohol to keep the red man intoxicated

And so life imitates art as those red men are still heavily addicted to the stuff. Can’t blame them for that now can we? Alcoholism amongst non-whites just has to be Europeans fault and not the choice of the individual? Let us not take responsibility for our actions, just blame thw white man!

Whites claimed they had to civilize these pagan animals
But up until 1848, there's documented cases of whites
being the savage cannibals

Ever hear of hos shocked captain Cook was when he arrived on Fiji? Or how about The cannibals in Africa that the great North Africa traveller, Ibn Battua encountered along the way to Mali?

Today it's AIDS, you best believe it's man-made
cause ain't a damn thing changed

AIDS is not man-made, but it’s men who spread it. Simple education of safe-sex is all one needs. But who needs that in Africa, right?

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