Only now do you clarify your use of the term "African". For you and others who share your view, "African" may represent all people with dark skin. You further state that this group includes all people who have been suggested to white European racism. In that case, I would extend the term African to Iranians and Middle Easterners as well, not to mention Vietnamese and Native Americans as well.
What it sounds like is that you are using the term "African" in a political and not genetic context. My use of the term Negro is not to be insulting, I am simply using a term commonly used. Let us say black/African instead. Still in your mind and according to your prefered definition which by no means conforms to the classical definition of African, you are telling me that Dravidians, Veddas, Australian Aborigines, Papuans, Melanesians, Fijians etc... are all "African". You go on to state that because of DNA relationships etc...(an argument that you offered before) these people can all be considered African. I went on to respond that because of the same genetic "proof" that you mention, then ALL PEOPLE ARE AFRICAN.
However, what it really sounds like to me is that you pretty much incorporate all the people of the Earth into a black or universal Human familly, while singling out White people whom you separate from the "Africans" of your definition. Once again, your definition and the genetic argument you presented do not coincide for the latter simply states that all people on this Earth, are really Africans, since "Eve" was an Africna woman.
Why this separation of all people on Earth ("Africans") frmo the White Europeans who are also, by genetic definition also African? It sounds more like a form of call to politically rally all the people of teh Earth against teh Whites whom you portray as the ultimate racists and originators of all of teh world's ills and evils not to mention the authors of all racism towards all the rest of the world's people?