Why do people who are either somewhere in the middle class or of European ancestry always speak about we are all one people. This is something that us blacks know. The problem is what's being taught. Not teaching our young about there history. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know who you are and who your ancestors were. Other people know there history. School books are not teaching the proper info we need to become a united people. We have to teach ourselves about our history. As I learn more about it, It brings a smile to my face knowing that there is so much more to us. It also makes me angry. Not necessarily at white people or any other peoples, but at my own people who would rather step over you for a dollar than pick up a book and learn your history. There's gonna be anger, naturally. Use that anger as your drive to teach the rest of us. Stop telling me you only see a person and no color. I'm not a dog! You know I'm a person. I have 2 arms and 2 legs. The almighty god created differences between people. We are all different in some way yet we are all one. Learn to respect that. It's not my hatred or anger. You need to teach yourself how to get along with someone who looks different. Blacks by nature are understanding people and we take people how they are. But enough is enough and we need to stand up for something as a people or we will see slavery repeat itself which is taking place now in the form of GLOBALIZATION. Let your anger drive you to the truth and then finally peace of mind.