I'm an Afrikan who has lived in several countries including the USof Amerikkka. I can say that white hegemonic tyranny is felt everywhere and by everyone (black white, brown) but ESPECIALLY by Black people. Anyone who actually thinks tat Black and Afrikan history has not been falsified and trivialized by white folk clearly have no under/overstanding of the nature of dominant and mainstream interation of white culture to black culture in Afrika and black culture abroad. All white people are born into that privileged created by the oppression and lies of the white supremacist system, its just the degree of benefits that differ.Like here in Kenya any white person will be treated better than a black person of the same socio-economic-educational background and may even be treated better than a black person who has (for whatever reason) risen up in the ranks of the white supremacist system (because we know black self hatred is ALIVE). So for white people to bring out the 'I like black people and I'm not racist' line is really a mute point and a fruitless statement because how ONE person feels is NOT the point.
But as has been said by some here...white supremacy is a dying concept and the assumed supremacy of white civilization is well on the way to being buried. I mean even here in Afrika, in about 5 years we'll be getting more money and investment from China than from all white countries COMBINED. So white supremacy and those who follow it are just dumbasses...even from a purely strategic point of view.
The rise of the coloured people is HERE...like it or not.