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"Nonsense. Archeaology (and genetics) confirm the original Iranian stock was of the Mediteranian phototype."
You mean Irano-Afghan Med. (nothing to do with littoral Mediterraneans in southern Europe).
"These people were farmers and migrated at 7000 bc through India, Egypt, Phonecia, AND EUROPE. In Europe, Southern Europeans peoples were founded, and the "Nordic" people formed slowly: as a mix of the primitive Basque people pre-existing and these proto-aryan's. The Kurgan's were essentially just these geographically "recycled" Iranians."
There was no Med. "prototype" that migrated everywhere and gave rise to the peoples you mention, at least not in the sense you covet. The subraces are just local specializations of common ancestors that existed too far back in time to matter. If you had any concept of the scale of evolutionary change you'd know that the claims you're making are utterly ridiculous. Southern Europeans were "founded" no more than the Negroes or Mongoloids were. Ditto for Nordics, who are actually ancient and native northern Europeans.
"Although it's almost inevitable that traces of True-European (Basque) genes are found in modern Iranians."
The Basques are a mystery, so there is not much to be said of them. They had little to do with the formation of Nordics, though, and they most certainly have nothing to do with Iranians.
"Modern day "Indo"-Iranians (63%) are still primary caucasians. Biologically 95% "White" (if it's easier for you to understand) with about 4-6% mongoloid genes- that is less admixture than modern day finns."
They aren't white in the same sense that Europeans are. The base of the population is decidedly Afghan, and mixed into this are Alpine people. The majority of the population of Iran is completely of Asiatic origin; even most of the Alpines are of the Asiatic variety. There are "regular" Mediterranean types like you find further west, but they are few in number and mixed almost beyond recognition.
"Although "Semetic" (***formed in the "ARABIAN DESERT") populations had some biological influence, there is still a clear line between the two. They are sepearte bio-entities. It is likely that the original and present magnitude of the nation prevented any significant biological mark to be imposed."
Yeah, but the pre-Semitic Iranians were still mostly Asiatic in origin.
"Modern day Iranians are most closely related to Greeks - and actually are MORE similar biologically to Northern Europeans than Greeks are. Their skull type is classified as D1-Nordic."
Are you crazy? I hope some Greeks don't stumble upon this. If your getting this info from Cavalli-Sforza, you're reading it wrong (or just reading into it what you want to believe). Sforza's genetic-distance maps just show relative closeness of a few chosen groups. Greeks are just closer to Iranians than other Western Europeans are; there is no absolute close relationship (i.e. there is no clustering). The overall distance between Greeks and Iranins is quite large.
Greeks, Sardinians, Lapps, and Basques are Europe's outliers. Lapps have Mongoloid ancestry, but the rest are just genetic isolates. Sardinians descend from just a few founders. The Greeks are a mix of LOCAL tribes that was formed in the Neolithic and still persists today. Greece is a remote land, being composed of mostly mountains and islands, and Greeks are a largely xenophobic people, cultivating a culture and language that seperates them from most everyone. When the Roman Empire fell, the Greeks managed to perpetuate it as the Byzantine Empire for another 1000 years. As a result, they even escaped the Germanic and Slavic invasions that shook most of the rest of Europe.
I find it laughable, given the above, that you find Greeks your closest living relatives. Whether you like it or not (and like everyone else on our planet) Iranians' closest relatives are the countries that immediately surround them. And you're about as Nordic as Greeks are (zero).
"Why do people deny this? How can Europe be carrying 60% (at least) average Iranic genes, and nobody even knows an Iranian is "caucasian". Maybe their just too stupid to understand it in the first place. Or Perhaps it's just denial. Much of western Europe carrys an original basque lineage that West Asians gave rise to some 23,000 years ago. So much of western Europeans, who consider themselves "white" are basically pre-divergent Africans!! Meanwhile, what was to become Aryans (or simply Iranians), proto-caucasians, evolved on the Iranian Plateau and central asia for a full 14,000 years."
Nothing more pathetic than a self-hating Paki. Can't you find a more constructive way to let out your frustration?
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