In The Name Of God, Most Beneficent Most Merciful: Logic, definition Websters dictionary;
of speaking or reasoning < logos, a word, speech
, reckoning, calculation, thought < legein, to speak, 1. the science of correct reasoning; the science that deals with the criteria of valid thought. 2. a book dealing with this science. 3.
correct reasoning; valid induction or deduction
: as, logic shows us a better course. 4. way of reasoning, weither correct or incorrect: as, at this point our logic was at fault. 5. the system of principals underlying any art or science. 6.
necessary connection or outcome, as through the
working of cause and effect: as, (THE LOGIC OF EVENTS). Beloved right, be not dismayed at the signs of heavens for the ignorant have only faith, and faith is derived from the absents of fact. While, fact is derived from logic the star transport of God. Logic is of God And Derived From God,thus Being Our Vital Link to God Who's essence is pure Logic. Only Through correct reasoning can we find God Or a reality that is free of imperfections. Reasoning is the transport vehicle upon which the angel Gabrial
rides into the souls of men and prophets. It is upon the mighty wings of reasoning that our father who Is in heaven sends the angel Gabrial
with the criterian of perfection, that the beloved rightious shall rise as cream shall rise to the top. Come brothers and sisters and let us reason together. For all in this material creation is imperfect, no flesh or blood shall reach God, surely all flesh rots as I write. The Earth is imperfect,every atom it comprises is imperfect, and all shall pass away in due time.
We will never find perfection in the material world Because the material world is not;faultless
it is not completely correct or accurate; axact;
percise, or eternal. So why look for God, or
perfection in an inperfect world? The God Of the material world is Satan I asure you!
Reasoning is the spiritual process at work in the
mind that deals with the attainment of facts.
Perfection and completion can only be
accomplished through the attainment of (FACT)
Fact can only be derived from logic. (LOGIC) exist only on the spiritual Plane. Logic dose not exist in the material world, logic only exist in your (MIND). The human mind is in the spiritual plain, the human body is the physical
plane, we fail to see that we actually live on
two planes. Human beings have two planes of concsiousness; Our physical sensations come from the material world and our facts come from the spiritual world. The physical world is a world of biology and animalism. By it's very nature the material world is gross!
But the spiritual world is completely free of all grossness, for it's an incorporial world
of pure organized energy or perfect reasoning,
say; Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. This is Einstein's Famous equation
involving energy and mass. The spiritual world is the domain of the equation, the equation is the instrumment of reason, and reason is the essence of God. In the begining there was the word and the word was God. Logic, definition Websters dictionary;
of speaking or reasoning < logos, a word, speech
, reckoning, calculation, thought < legein, to speak, 1. the science of correct reasoning; the science that deals with the criteria of valid thought. 2. a book dealing with this science. 3.
correct reasoning; valid induction or deduction
: as, logic shows us a better course. 4. way of reasoning, weither correct or incorrect: as, at this point our logic was at fault. 5. the system of principals underlying any art or science. 6.
necessary connection or outcome, as through the
working of cause and effect: as, (THE LOGIC OF EVENTS).
Imperfect are all; monuments of steel or stone,
statues, all gleaming towers set high a top hills decked with silver and gold, all venerated saintuaries, thrones in kingdoms put forth by the material hands of material men whose souls have been ensnaired by the darkness of the materialism they bow down to and worship. For they are only biological beings and have not wings to ascend to God's kingdom in heaven. They
do not have the grace of understanding, and cannot see beyond their physical desires, they are like cattle; when feed they are satified,
and will not enlighten themselves. Yes fools
hate knowledge and do not wish to know God?
While, it is only through God that we will ever
ascend out of ignorance. The wings of understanding cannot be found thru physical sensations, or mere visual observation. This requires the necessary connections or outcome,
as through the working of cause and effect: as
Al Hum Du Allah........Bro. Sabree Muhammad